Friday, March 25, 2016

Took a hike at Spenceville yesterday

I took a hike down at Spenceville Wildlife Area yesterday. I thought I'd share some of my pictures.
A large portion of Spenceville is grassland, with a smattering of scraggly oak trees in the areas where ranchers graze their cattle. The WA is also used for dog field trials, hunting, and horseback riding.

Beaver dam across a small stream.

Wild roses, with a few rose hips left over from last year. Rose hips are edible, and they contain a lot of vitamin C.

A little ribbon snake...
...and a couple of his much bigger cousins, making more. Biggest rattlesnake I've ever seen.
Rattle from the male. I counted 14 buttons on that bad lad. Don't wanna run across him in the dark, that's for sure!
Remains of an old root cellar from one of the homesteads that used to be on the Preserve.
Hand dug well from the same homestead.

Mortar stones. The natives would grind acorns into flour in these.

Had a pretty good hike. I think I walked close to 10 miles. I gathered a bunch of bone for various projects, thanks to a few coyote-killed cow carcasses.

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