Sunday, June 24, 2018

Pond fishing

Took the wife down to the pond at the bottom of the property I take care of today to do a little fishing.
I paddled around for a bit in my old, plastic Coleman canoe. One of these days I'm gonna do a post extolling the virtues of such a craft, and its place in among the "finer vessels" of cedar strips, carbon fiber, and fiberglass; but I just haven't made time.

However, I wasn't able to do much paddling, or even fish for myself. Why? Because my wife was catching up a storm! Every time I started to paddle away, she hooked another bass and needed me to come rescue her! Have a look:
This was the third or fourth one she caught, after I gave up on spending time in the boat. Since I couldn't convince her to unhook 'em herself, I made her take the pictures!

 Here's the next one. She didn't catch a single bass under 14".

Talked her into handling one, before they quit biting for the day.

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