Thursday, December 27, 2018

Crowbait Creek Camp

So after our old camp was overrun by poison oak, my father in law and I decided to abandon it and scout a new place on the property he takes care of. We found a perfect flat area just above the 10 year high water line near the creek. 

I give you our new camp, Crowbait!

Sort of finished the shelter, but we need to put in side walls, and get a tarp that doesn’t have any holes in it.

Inaugural fire, and quick, slapped-together reflector.

Did a little panning in the creek, didn’t find anything but a couple little specks of gold. But a lot of black sand, so I’ll just need to dig a deeper hole.

Little warmup by the fire, to get feeling back into our hands.

Made a little coffee table (and remembered to put out the fire before I left)

Little peek at the creek. It’s hard to tell from the picture, but at the pine on the right the ground drops about a foot. Then it flattens out for about 15 feet toward the creek, then drops a couple more feet to the creek. The highest the creek has gotten in the last 6 years wasn’t quite to the lower flat area. And that includes the drought-busting rain California had a couple years ago. Not too worried about getting flooded out even though camp is like 20 feet from the creek. 

Future plans: make a couple bush chairs so we don’t have to sit on the ground. Get a new tarp or roof the shelter with brush. Reinforce the table (it’s a little wobbly but will support a coffee cup and a billy can). Bring down some buckets with lids to store space coats and miscellaneous dry goods.

Let me know what you think!

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